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Variety School Student - Anuli


Before I came to Variety School, I felt like I didn't matter and nobody cared about me. I was being bullied constantly by other kids. I was excluded from all class activities with the other kids. I was locked in a room by myself for the rest of the school year. I hated myself for being fat, which is what the kids teased me about. I felt like I couldn't be myself in front of anyone else at the school.

I’m happy that the Variety School teachers helped me with my behaviors. My behaviors basically stopped when I came here. I felt like I was a part of something new when I came here, a clean slate where no one knew my past. I was included in conversations and things we did as a class. I had friends I could talk to whenever I wanted to because they were interested in what I had to say. I wasn't the dumb girl who could never learn anything. I had a chance. I felt comfortable enough to be myself in front of everyone at this school.

Now I hope that I can go to a different school for high school next year. Then I will go to college and go to business school to become an entrepreneur and attend culinary school.

“I was included in conversations and things we did as a class. I had friends I could talk to whenever I wanted to because they were interested in what I had to say. ”


Variety School Parent - Beth (Anuli’s Mom)


I am a teacher and my daughter Anuli has been playing in and around my classroom her whole life. While other kids were playing house, she was playing school. I thought she would love school but she didn’t. In kindergarten she went to school happily but would come home crying or angry but silent. Soon she started acting out. One day I took the day off and got permission to shadow my daughter. Even though she was happy and talkative at home she was silent and withdrawn at school. Everything was too loud and too chaotic for her. She started having meltdowns and often spent the afternoons in the office. She wasn’t learning and she was becoming increasingly isolated and angry.

Variety School was an answer to a prayer. She instantly felt at home in the small classes. The teachers are experts helping her grow academically and emotionally. She’s made friends and sees herself as a leader. After four years at Variety School, Anuli is so inspired and confident that she has asked to apply to college preparatory high schools for next year. I am beyond thankful to all of the professionals at Variety School who saw Anuli’s potential and were able to help her realize it, and I know that they couldn’t have done this transformative work without the support of all of the people who donate to Variety School.

“The teachers are experts helping her grow academically and emotionally. She’s made friends and sees herself as a leader. ”


Variety School Student - Daniel


Before I was at Variety, I did not feel good about myself. I hated going to school. When I started school at Variety, the students helped me have a good state of mind.

The teachers helped me learn in fun and creative ways. I feel like Variety helped me open up to people and that helped me socially to make new friends. I looked forward to coming to school because of my teachers and have fun playing games at recess.

I think that in the future I would be confident enough to go to a different school because Variety School showed me that it is ok to be myself. I know that I can make new friends outside of Variety now.

When it is time, I’m now more excited and can see myself moving on to the next challenge. I feel I’ll be ready to handle a fresh start.

“I feel like Variety helped me open up to people and that helped me socially to make new friends. I looked forward to coming to school because of my teachers and have fun playing games at recess. ”


Variety School Parent - Shana (Daniel’s Mom)


Daniel was always a very bright and affectionate child, but from a very young age he struggled in school with academics as well as high energy. It seemed like teachers at his previous school didn't fully understand his academic needs or believe in his great strengths as we saw them. He often seemed sad and had low self-esteem.

As soon as he entered Variety, things turned around. The teachers and staff at Variety are fully capable of dealing with "kids will be kids" moments, but everyone overwhelmingly supports, encourages, and academically challenges Daniel. After joining Variety, he experienced daily positive support and encouragement. His outlook on life and sense of self quickly repaired. He has caught up to grade-level academics, loves writing and reading, and has made strong friendships.

He has recently joined a local youth sports league, and it is great for us to see the social skills and self-confidence developed at school now transferring over to an out-of-school activity. Most important, he has rebuilt his sense of self-esteem and optimism. We appreciate Variety so much for what the teachers and staff have done for our child.

“After joining Variety, he experienced daily positive support and encouragement. His outlook on life and sense of self quickly repaired. He has caught up to grade-level academics, loves writing and reading, and has made strong friendships. ”